Silverweed and the Indigenous Plants Forum

Kwiaht is the fiscal sponsor for Silverweed. Organized by Salish Sea elder Rosie Cayou James, Silverweed is a Coast Salish community organization that works to preserve, grow, and share Traditional native plant skills and protect plant habitats. Silverweed brings together Tribal and non-Tribal stewards of culturally significant plants at a monthly Indigenous Plants Forum hosted by participants throughout the Central Salish Sea region. Since 2020, the Forum has worked on better understanding the stewardship needs of Qexmin (Lomatium nudicalule), protecting and restoring soapberry (Shepherdia canadensis) harvesting sites, and promoting long-term access agreements for Traditional plant harvest and stewardship in the Salish Sea region. If you would like to be added to the invitation list for monthly Indigenous Plants Fora email Kwiaht botanist and Silverweed liaison Madrona Murphy (